Tuesday, Shane started back to school, and was all too happy to go. Two weeks at home everyday with mom and sister is not his idea of fun, he wanted his friends and the big playground. Myann and I went to my doctor appt. All is well with me and baby. I am measuring very small now, but it is only because my belly has completely dropped, I am by no means small. The bikini at Silverwood could testify to that. I wasn't ACTUALLY wearing a bikini, but my maternity swimsuit covers so little of the belly that it might as well have been a regular bikini. I will spare you the pictures, I am pretty sure I didn't allow any. And at the doctor appt, all previously pregnant women know about your peeing in a cup at EVERY appt, well Myann knows that too. The entire time I was trying to go, she kept thrusting a cup at me, trying to get me to pee in her cup. It is hard enough at 38 weeks having the coordination to pee in my own cup, let alone fending off a toddler trying to get her cup in there as well. Ahh the memories.
Here is how I keep Myann entertained during my appointments. Her and Shane love breadsticks and crackers, but Myann normally just redips the stick and sucks off the cheese. Or in these pictures, she has forgone the sticks all together and is just cooping the cheese out with her finger.
Wednesday was a big day for all of us, Myann started her first day of school. She is going to go one day a week, so she gets some structure time and I get some one on one time with Baby boy. She was great at first, ran right onto the playground and started playing. Well I chatted with her teacher for a minute and then left and as we walked away, she started crying. It broke my heart, but I knew to not look back and she'd be fine. I picked her up later that afternoon, and she was quite content and irritated that I was taking her away as the other kids were having snack. I will know to pick her up after snack time for now on.
Sadly, the best picture I could get with the kids. They were too excited to run into the school.
Myann checking out the playground with her class
My other attempt to get a picture at school. Myann wanted no part in pictures this day.
Wednesday night, Mommy and Daddy had a great night out at PF Chang's with our neighbors, the Torres and Servines. We are making the most of our nights out before baby arrives. We had a great time and continued the evening at the Torres. The men had their evening highlighted when they caught some high school kids trying to break into the neighborhood gate to go to the top of the hill for watching the view and stars. Seems innocent enough, but these kids are costing our neighborhood thousands of dollars every year with gate repairs and some of them are doing pretty bad vandalism at the top of the hill to some very nice homes. Since we are the first house inside the gate, Brian has taken it upon himself to solve the problem, but for that night, he was too excited to just tell the kids to get out of here and that the gate is there for a reason, to keep their cars out. Next he will be pursuing night vision goggles and a paintball gun and camping out by the gate waiting for the trespassers - nice to see his Texas roots are still planted.
Thursday, was a mommy nesting day. Tina was here, so I filed 6 months worth of papers, purged our files, cleaned out more work boxes and just organized what I could. Then I went into the office for more work stuff, ran errands and hurried home for another dinner out, this time with the Frenches. We wanted to thank them for the countless lake house invites this summer. We went to the Wine Cellar in CDA. Great food, good times, and lots of wine, not so much for me, but I had a glass and baby and I slept quite well last night.
Now it is Friday, and the kids must have known it, because Shane woke up bouncing off the walls. We hurried out to a playdate with my mom's group at the Northtown Mall drop and play. It was actually quite enjoyable because both kids played while I chatted with friends. Then we grabbed a bite to eat in the food court with Sandra, James, and Breanne. Once my kids started to act up and show signs of desperately needing a nap, we hightailed it out of there. Myann went right to sleep, Shane won't nap, but he is playing quietly, so I'll take it. I have to start setting things up, I am hosting Mom's Game Night tonight, so I need to get the basement set up. I love these nights and wanted to fit one more in before the baby arrives.
Update: I realized I failed to tell my embarrassing moment of the day. On the way in the mall, in the parking lot, I had my hands on the stroller and Shane was walking along beside me. Well he decided to hold onto my pants, well he grabbed the back pocket of my jeans really hard and down came my pants. Not just a little bit, we're talking full butt exposure. It was only made worse my another woman in the parking lot, grown woman mind you, who then laughs and says, "Ha, Ha, I saw your butt." So if I had any doubt no one saw me, that woman alleviated that. And of course, Shane thought he was too funny and spent the rest of the time in the store trying to pull my pants down again. Gotta love kids.
Myann, the messiest eater we have ever known. This is her with yogurt...
This is why she got so messy...
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