Monday, August 25, 2008

Good Monday

Myann finally got it, that what she has been eating for a week have been nectarines and not apples. All last week she would cry for her apples. This morning I cut some nectarines up with my cereal and she reached and said "Nectarine, nectarine, I want nectarine!" It was too cute and I was so thrilled that my constant reiterations that they were nectarines and not apples finally sunk in.

Tonight when I put Shane to bed he was so sweet and melted my heart. He said he did not want to eat dinner anymore, because dinner made him grow bigger. He said that if he got too big then he couldn't be my kid anymore. He said he wanted to stay my little boy. Ahhh! Now this is totally my fault, because I tell him all the time that I want him to stay my little boy. I did explain that he would still be my kid no matter how big he got.

Oh and I almost forgot to tell how I woke up this morning. I was startled awake by little hands rubbing my belly. Shane snuck in our room early this morning, lifted my shirt and was rubbing my belly talking to his baby brother. After I got over the startle factor, I could appreciate how sweet he was being talking to his baby brother. I don't even think he meant to wake me.

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