Monday, May 25, 2009


Attack of the ladybugs!!! Well, it is more like attack of the toddlers on the ladybugs. We were working in the yard, and Shane was determined to find some worms. Dad found one and then lost it. I found two more, Shane lost one and killed one. He begged me to go get him some more worms. Well I had to buy some supplies, so I went to NW Seed and all they had were ladybugs, no worms. The kids were too excited to release the ladybugs, 1500 to be exact. Though some were DOA. I was stupid and dumped them on the sidewalk. Myann decided to march over them, so not sure how many ladybugs actually survived long enough to fly away, let's hope 1000 or so. It really was fun to have ladybugs all over you. I just hope they ate a few bugs on their way out of the yard.

Sorry this picture is blurry, but the joy on Anders' face is priceless.

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