Sunday, May 3, 2009

Anders Speaks

Anders is a chatterbox with his baby babble, but lately it has become more distinguishable. He has been doing "mamamamama" for a while now, but I don't count it, since he was not referring to me, just making noises. Then Brian said he was saying, "dadada" today and then touching his face. That is more clear. Then later today, every time I would leave the room he would say, "mamamama". Every single time, so we are calling this the official first words, it is just too right to be coincidental that he uses the right sounding words in our presence. He is calling for his mom and dad. So Brian is right (as always, gag!) that Anders would be an early talker. Now if the kid would just move. Yes, still no rolling or crawling, just sitting and rocking on his butt.

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