Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Napping the day away

On the flight back from Texas, Anders was a little warm, but I just thought it was the teething. Then last night he started running a high fever, 103.5, which is the highest temp of any of my kids. My kids just don't run high fevers and they don't last long, yes I know how fortunate we are. Anyway, did the Tylenol thing and then he slept great. Daddy was concerned this morning, so he woke him up at 8:15 am. He nursed, was up 2 hours and fell back to sleep for 9 hours. Yes, he slept all day. We checked on him a few times to make sure he was ok. Then tonight, my mommy paranoia kicked in, so I woke him up at 7:15pm. I nursed him, then gave him a bottle, fed him some baby food. He must be doing better, because he was determined to make up for sleeping all day. He played a bit and then went back to sleep. He was only awake 4 hours today. Must be his body healing.

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