Friday, September 25, 2009

Myann pooped in the potty, even if not voluntarily

Today I found Myann in the bathroom, and as I entered, she said, "I pooped." I checked, and she had not pooped. So I yanked off her clothes and put her on the potty. She was not thrilled, but I told her I would hold her while she pooped - oh what a mother will do. And she did it, she pooped. Ok, so not exactly the first time. She claims to have done it at school, but no teacher could confirm. She also pooped a little for Tina. But this was the first witnessed poop - I was siked. Then Shane with his elephant memory, yells, "Yes, we are going to Chuck E Cheese." He then ran to get his tokens and tickets, leftover from April. He has been dreaming of this day, since we promised to go to Chuck E Cheese when Myann pooped on the potty. This was meant as a double motivator, for Myann and Shane, so he would encourage her too. However, of all the days...Friday evening, Brian is out of town, and there is a parade tonight in front of the CEC. So I told them we would have to wait and celebrate when Daddy got home. Shane was devastated, but seemed ok with the promise of a day next week. So we are having pizza for dinner next week. I also promised we could go to the mall and do drop and play.

At the mall, Shane repeatedly introduced us, all 4 of us to every lady in Bath and Body Works. How he introduces me, "This is my mommy, but you can call her Kari." He then went around the store shouting for Tina, who just started working there. Hopefully our visit doesn't get her fired.

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