I don't know why I ever worried about Myann talking, or not talking. She talked much later than Shane, but now that girl will not be quiet. The entire car ride home tonight she was repeating what I said for emphasis. I was discussing with Shane about being mean to friends and how we should treat people. Myann kept saying, "You should be nice Shane, don't hurt feelings Shane, Are you listening Shane, Mommy said be nice Shane." Then she kept narrating the ride, "Mommy we are home, mommy are you checking the mail, Mommy I will help you check the mail, mommy is daddy home, mommy are the puppies home, etc." So, I think she has mastered talking.
Anders loves his mommy and I love that. I will put him down now under an activity mat and he swings at the toys. But the moment I come close and start talking to him, he gets the biggest smile and gets so excited. Mommy is better than a toy, how awesome is that!!! It is a simple reminder that all my kids need time with me more than a movie or tv or toys.
Myann "dressing" in Daddy's underwear, this is why I put girlie dress up clothes on her birthday list.
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