Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Funny things the kids have been saying

So Sunday Shane had me laughing so hard. We heard the door open and close, no biggie, he runs in and out with the puppies all the time. Well when he came back inside he said, "Daddy, Daddy, I peepeed outside just like you." He was so proud. I was cracking up. Of course I said that would make the blog. Brian insisted I clarify that he only taught him to pee outside for necessity and not luxury. They did this out at the lake, well Shane apparently is a fan of it. Then Monday when he was at Heather's, she said she walked outside to see the 3 boys peeing outside. She told me so concerned that her boys had taught Shane to do that, I informed her that Shane was already a pro at peeing outside, so no worries.

Then Myann is just amazing us with all her talking and silly mannerisms. She has mastered looking at you with her eyes lowered, of course she usually can't keep a straight face and starts cracking up, but it is so cute. Then we were on the webcam with Grandma Anne the other night and Grandma Anne said she had to go to bed. So the rest of the evening Myann went around saying, "Shhh, Grandma sleeping." It was so sweet.

Oh and Shane has now gone 11 days with no accidents, except bedtime. He still sleeps in a pull up, but other than that he is potty trained. As soon as I get more disciplined, we'll work on nighttime, but I'm not ready to commit yet.

Just pics of the cutest kids:

Myann drinking her milk out of the bowl like big brother

Myann wants to pee on the potty too. But at this point she just likes to sit on it, she has never actually done anything yet.

How cool am I?

All dressed up and no place to go

Shane thinks Dona came all the way from San Diego to see him. She played all evening with him, so of course he thought that. And of course he is spiderman on this day, the day before he was batman - I have to do lots of laundry to keep up with his superhero pjs.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I LOVE the picture of Myann sitting on the stairs. It's absolutely adorable, she looks like such a big girl. The potty picture is priceless too. We miss having her over, so you guys will have to come over soon.