Sunday, July 6, 2008

Dad's first blog

Kari recently afforded me the opportunity to start posting on the blog so I am jumping on the opportunity. I love the concept as given busy schedules these days the old adage "it's tough enough to remember what I had for lunch" rings true every single day. Only with two under the age of 4, and soon to be three, it's more like, "stop doing that now whatever your name is??!!" So this is a great way to capture memories.

I wanted to put down a few of mine which I treasure today and will forget in the next few hours with my fruit fly like memory.

Before Kari turned the word "poop" into the most written about subject on the internet, I had a discussion with Shane on the very subject. As I was changing what felt like my one millionth poopy one early Saturday morning I said, "Buddy, you have to start poopin' on the potty. When your brother gets here we'll have THREE kids and we need one to be a big boy so we do not have to change THREE KIDS DIAPERS. We need one kid to be wearing underwear and go pee pee and poo poo on the potty" After a bit of silence Shane said, "Dad (serious tone with brief pause after Dad), you can't get rid of me (yet another pause) and mommy NEED me Dad. We don't need to have baby brother because you can't get rid of me...." I was stunned and learned a valuable lesson on how literal kids can be at times as I went into immediate damage control. Although in self defense I'm certain this was daddy manipulation 101. I am certain the kids use it daily and at the time of this occurrence my record on reasoning and teaching kids daddy's vast wisdom was stupid dad zero vs manipulative kids 837.

Another memory I want to capture is bedtime with Myann. I love that time as she goes from a category 6 hurricane type of strong will to, I love my da-da mushy little girl. We read a few books and then have "cuddle time" where she flips over and lays her head on my shoulder. I sing her "Jesus Loves Me" and rub her back while she snuggles with her daddy. About half way through the first song, when I sing, "....loves me" she lifts her head off of my shoulder and gives me 1 to 3 kisses. I of course am smart enough to recognize manipulation by my 18 month old and with strong resolve I am determined to not let it effect my judgement......I tell myself, "I don't care how cute this is, after the 37th or 38th time of 'Jesus Loves Me' this little girl is going to bed if she likes it or not!!!

A few other points I'd like to mention. Kari mentions in the last day or two her anemia and my comments following diligent research into her medical condition. At one point I happened to mention in passing that a common symptom is irritability, it was an afterthought, yet it appears that is all she heard. For the record she and baby boy X are my first priority; period. Myann's and Shane's mental well being and safety are next, then the puppies, then dad......although admittedly all of us were separated by a very narrow margin.

She also mentions the 4th of July fireworks display and references drunk men lighting off our defense, who else would be crazy enough??

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