Friday, March 11, 2011

Ultrasound for Baby Quatro

At 19 weeks, we had our ultrasound. I thought it was a great idea to take all 3 kids because they have been so excited about seeing the baby. Ok, so 6 people, tech included, in a tiny room is probably not one of my better ideas. Considering the situation, they did well, but Anders was pretty hyper and kept messing with Shane. None of the kids really paid much attention to the ultrasound or seeing the baby. Anders' only comment was when we listened to the heart beat he said, "That's scary." Shane perked up a few times when he saw a body part he recognized, but that was about it. Poor Brian was so busy keeping them contained that he did not really get to watch or enjoy the ultrasound. Fortunately we have pictures and a video to watch. Baby was moving like crazy keeping the tech on her toes, which offered me some relief because I was convinced this baby never moved. Turns out, I have an anterior placenta, which cushions any of the baby's movement, so that explains why I have felt almost no baby movement. Here I just thought I was finally going to have a calmer child, no such luck. Otherwise, everything looked good.

The moment you have been waiting for, is it a boy or a girl? We have no idea because we have decided to not find out this time. We have no preference and obviously have everything we could need for a boy or a girl, so we decided to just wait and see on the big day. We want to see if there really is a difference between finding out at 19 weeks or 40 weeks. I do not think there is a difference, but my friends insist there is, so I am going to test it out for myself. For the official record, Brian and I and the kids all think it is a girl. Looking forward to finding out if we are right. Shane decided it is a girl, because we follow a pattern, boy girl boy and now girl. Myann insists it is a girl because there are too many boys in the house and we need another girl. Anders just repeats what they say. Brian and I both have thought this was a girl based on my normal pregnancy symptoms. With the boys I could not eat enough red meat, I wanted burgers, hot dogs, and steaks all the time. With Myann, I craved sandwiches, salads, and just food in general but not red meat. That is how this pregnancy is going, I eat salads daily. So looking forward to seeing if my pregnancy cravings are just coincidences or more likely linked to gender.

Due date is Aug. 5th, but I will have the c-section some time late July or early Aug.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I'm so happy for you Kari! And double yay for getting to see Dr. S regularly again. :D I'm curious to find out if there is a difference now too. Thanks for testing it out for all of us! ha! Best wishes!!!