Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My sweet Anders

I promise pictures are coming, but lately I have been too busy, too tired, or too sick to go downstairs and upload photos. So for now you are just stuck with my writing.

Anders' phrase of the week, "Mommy, please play with me." I think he knows he is about to leave me for a week and my heart can not handle it, so every time he asks, I have to oblige.

Also, I went to bed last night thinking how lucky we are to have Anders. He is my sweetie and my compassionate one. He frequently walks up to me and says, "Mom, you need a hug?" and then opens his arms and comes in for a hug. It is about the greatest feeling in the world to get an Anders hug. His hugs are filled with a world of love. He also needs hugs a lot when he gets in trouble, that is so me. If I scold Anders, his immediate response is, "Mom, can I have a hug?" with the most pathetic face you have ever seen. I did that as a child, as my mom and dad will confirm. He has a smile on his face 95% of the, and the other 5% is usually his pretend frown of which is immediately followed with a smile.

1 comment:

Tina and Robin said...

AWE! he is such a sweetheart!!