Monday, February 1, 2010

This blogger read my mind

I found this post here

She is a mom of 4, 3 of which are boys. I am not one to read blogs of people I do not know, but I stumbled across hers and I think it was meant to be. I found this post which was almost identical to what has been going through my mind.

When I was potty training you boys did I hold up a picture of a fire hose and say, “Like this…all over the bathroom, okay?”
OMG, I was just going to post asking for help on how to get your child to pee in the potty. Shane manages to pee down the back of the toilet...HOW????? I had never cleaned the BACK of the toilet until Shane became potty trained.

When I taught you to put your clothes away did I say, “The folded clothes go back in the dirty hamper and the dirty underwear go everywhere?”
Mine actually try on clothes and decide not to wear them and throw them in the dirty clothes.

When I showed you how to put the dishes away did I hide all the utensils in various drawers around the kitchen and stick some in the dog food bin?
So we are not there yet. But, I frequently find dirty spoons in with clean utensils. Apparently they think it is okay to put a sucked on spoon back in the drawer.

Have I ever said it was okay to not clean up after yourself? Yes, I must have said that, so often in fact that you are completely dedicated to NEVER cleaning up after yourself.
Shane actually told me the other day that cleaning up is so exhausting. I guess they think that I find it energizing.

Is there a single puzzle or game in our house that has all its pieces? No, because I taught you to lose them, break them and scatter them like rose petals in the yard.
On our to do list is to go through all the puzzles and box up ones that are missing pieces. I say box up because I can not throw a puzzle a way, because I always have a dream that we will find the missing puzzle piece hiding place, just like I never throw away odd socks in hopes of finding the match one day. I know you are shuddering at the thought right now Sandra.

Who can find their shoes? Nobody…I taught you well.
This is why we are late everywhere we go.

Who has their coat and mittens? Nobody…I’m a success!
This would be the other reason we are late all the time during winter.

Who put their toothbrush on the counter and spit blobs of toothpaste in the sink? My children…I’m so proud!
Actually Brian is worse than the kids when it comes to this.

Who is hungry the minute I put the last dish back in the refrigerator? Okay… that’s me and I’ve taught you all that too.
My kids are always hungry the minute the car ignition comes on. It's like pavlov's dogs - car starts and I will inevitably hear, "Mom, I'm hungry". Don't mind the fact that I just told them 10 minutes before to finish breakfast because we are leaving.

How much longer are you all going to live in this house with me? Don’t answer that.
I won't have to worry about this one, because my kids will have the same rule as I did, you're 18, see ya. I actually was young when I graduated high school, so I was told see ya at 17. I was allowed to move home for 6 weeks after college while I waited to find out where my job was going to train me. I think my mom may have let me live with her a bit longer if I did not find a job, but the uncertainty definitely encouraged me to start my job hunt 6 months before I even graduated.

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