Tuesday, February 23, 2010


This morning I was weary. I have been trying to get up earlier to work out. So I set my alarm for 5:30 am to work out BEFORE the kids woke up. How foolish of me since the kids have been consistently waking up at 5:30 am for weeks now. But I somehow thought that if I set the alarm, they would sleep in and I would get a few minutes of "me" time to exercise. So when I heard them up at 5:30, I decided to stay in bed, because I knew exercise would not happen. Brian happened to still be home since he was packing for his work trip. I told him that I did not want to get out of bed to face "them". "They" outnumbered me and I just could not do it. My sweetheart of a husband climbed in to bed with me and said "I will miss you". Implying, he understood because he was going to miss me, but not the kids. Not a true statement, because he always misses the kids, but I appreciated his empathy for me rather than his judgment. In the past he has had moments of judgment, we both have. He says, oh it must be hard staying at home and not working. And I have serious jealousy of his work trips where he gets to eat out, not clean, and sleep in a hotel room uninterrupted by "Wipe my butt, I peed, change my pjs, I had a bad dream, Shane snuck candy...". But this morning, he actually seemed to feel sorry for me, and I really needed that. And he whispered the most wonderful thing, "I made coffee." I love that man.

And the rest of the day was good from that moment on. I was incredibly productive, I worked out twice, and I had Tina to help with dinner and putting the kids to bed (so I could work out).

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