Bear with me. I am trying to get back into blogging. Life just got so busy towards the end of 2009 and the more I got behind, the less I wanted to get back to blogging. So I am back and trying to add a few posts per night. Since I plan to print the blog as our family keepsake, I still have a bunch to go back and do for 2009.
What is going on these days...I am cleaning house, trying to get order restored here. Soon as we returned from Texas I got sick and Brian flew home sick, so our adjustment home has been slow coming. The kids are good and seemed to adjust better than we thought.
Anders is my joy. Brian and I have been letting him stay up a little after the other two each night so he can just play and be the center of attention. He REALLY enjoys this time. Last night he just spun in circles and threw himself to the ground, laughing hysterically at himself. He just dances and plays and I love that he gets to be himself. No new teeth. He has not gotten a new tooth in 8 months, that seems odd to me. He had 8 and now no others. He is still nursing, but I think we are nearing the end. I love the snuggle time, and think that is all he uses the time for too.
Myann is still our pistol. Seriously, she is the one I am most anxious to see grown up. Not because I want her to not be my little girl, because I love so much about her at this age, but she is a master manipulator and I am curious to see how this plays out. She has fully embraced talking and just wants to sit in my lap and have full on conversations about whatever is in her head. She still talks in loops and has a hard time telling a complete story, but she has a lot to say. And now she is in to telling fairytales, all begin with "Once upon a time...". I love it, and she is proving to be rather creative.
Shane continues to blow our minds with how his mind works. Though I do not like how much time he spent on video games over the holidays, he really did fine tune his skills. I have been letting him play occasionally and he already mastered one of his new games. He can not read, but he can fully operate the wii, any new game, and master the game. I can't do that and I can read. Also, his sense of comprehension is amazing. After school last week he recited Humpty Dumpty to Daddy and said they talked about it at school that day. Shane said it was ridiculous because Humpty was an egg and eggs can't climb walls, so there was no way he could fall off a wall. He said he would rewrite the story to make sense and that meant all the king's men would have to throw a rope and tie it around him and pull him on to the wall. That would be more realistic. He has said so many things lately, but I can't remember them, so hopefully I can get Brian to write them down.
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