Saturday, August 22, 2009

Petting Zoo

My friend Amber arranged for our mommy group to go to a petting zoo. Since we do not have a zoo here, we jump at the chance to take the kids to see any animals. They loved being with the animals except for Myann. Oh that girl is a walking accident. We were walking from the parking lot when I turn to hear her screaming. I see her hand through the fence and a goat walking backwards. The owner quickly said, "Don't worry they don't bite." Well unless your child sticks her finger through the fence and the goat thinks its a carrot. Luckily the goat let go and Myann recovered. Well recovered long enough to run toward the house when she fell down scraping her hands and knees. Seriously, she needs ballet bad, I have to get her some grace somehow. The highlight of the day was that they had chickens that laid green and blue eggs. Those were prized in our house.

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