Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Anders ongoings

This is more for me than anyone else. I just want to write this down before too much time passes. Anders is crawling everywhere, it is like he discovered there is a whole house to explore. And explore he has been. Of course his favorite place, as is every child's favorite place, the place where the dogs are and where the dog food bowls reside. Yes, our laundry room. Thankfully, there is a door we can shut, but if it gets left open, Anders is there, harassing the puppies, playing in the water bowl and eating the dog food. Yes, Anders is barely on solid food and he has already eaten who knows how much dog food, at least it is organic :).

And the boy has teeth, I say this reluctantly, because he is still nursing - Ouch! He has had the three on the bottom, but one top tooth poked through over a week ago and then the other top tooth poked through over the weekend. He is going to have the same smile Shane did for his first birthday - two teeth on top and three on the bottom.

Anders is trying to pull up now too. Today he suffered a blow to the head as he tried to pull himself up on a table and let go, only to slam his head into the table. Poor little guy has a bruise right in the middle of his forehead. Tough guy though only cried for a minute and then went right back to pull up on the same table.

No new words out of him, only mamamama and dadadada. However, he loves signing "more", though I don't think he always means he wants more as much as he loves the praise he gets for signing. I think he understands the sign for "eat" because he gets super excited when I do the sign, but then again, have you seen the kid, of course "eat" excites him. However, my boy is thinning out, his calves no longer have creases, so the crawling is burning some fat.

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