Thursday, August 20, 2009

Oh Shane, we are in trouble

Brian claims this is an all-time great for Shane. Brian picked Shane up from school today and they had their normal conversations on the way home. Shane asked why the door was locked last night and Brian explained it was because he keeps sneaking out. Shane said he was going to continue to sneak out. Brian said you will be punished and Shane said "well that is not nice". Brian said, "Actually, Jesus gave mom and dad the authority to punish kids". Brian then told Shane the scripture - Spare the rod spoil the child. Brian asked Shane if he knew what that meant and Shane said no, so Brian explained that Jesus said it was parents' job to punish bad behavior or they would end up spoiled. Shane paused for 20 seconds and said, "Well when you guys are sleeping you aren't doing your jobs."

Shane later told Brian that Jesus would never let him be Chuck E Cheese because he teases people. Brian said that Chuck E Cheese was not real and just a person in a costume. Shane said that Jesus gives out costumes and only gives them to people who do not tease.

Jesus must stay busy keeping up with Shane. :)


Domrese Family Blog said...

Hilarious. Shane has got all the rationale down! It's so similar to what we are dealing with! Makes me happy to know we are not alone! Keep the stories coming!

The Butterfields said...

Poor Brian... to crush his lifetime goal of being Chuck E Cheese!! LOL