Saturday, May 8, 2010

God never denies us our hearts desire except to give us something better

I read this quote today on another blog I read and it spoke to my heart. Not because I have many unfulfilled desires. Seriously we are blessed, except for the obvious, my brother's health. I would trade anything for his health. Outside of that, I have really been in a place of contentment lately. I remember a friend in college saying the same thing to me when we were lamenting about wanting children one day and how it would be if we never had children. Silly now to think that at 21 years of age I was concerned about whether I would ever have children and here I am with 3. But I think it is only silly now, because I am on the other side. I can not imagine what it is like to be my brother right now. If his heart's desire is health, what could be better? How many different definitions of better are there? So that I struggle with, but at the end of the day it is his struggle. But I can hold tight to what I know to be true and that is that God never denies us our hearts desire except to give us something better. Even if we don't realize it is better at the time.

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