Friday, March 12, 2010

Precious Logan

If you are inclined to pray, please pray for our nephew Logan. We just found out he has cystic fibrosis. He has had some medical issues for 2 years now, but for reasons I do not fully understand, his doctors did not feel it was necessary to test him. Well they finally did and Grandma Anne and her amazing maternal instincts were correct. He was confirmed to have it. Though a disheartening diagnosis, I am thankful to have an explanation for his past medical issues, and now his parents can move forward with proactive treatments and lifestyle choices. We love Logan and he is Myann's buddy. They are quite a pair when they are together. Just to give you an idea of his symptoms and why Grandma Anne was so concerned: he had a salty taste (Grandma Anne apparently likes to lick her grandbabies :}, he had foul smelling poop (ok, so most moms parents might claim this one), he had major intestional bloating, he has had consistent lung problems and has needed breathing treatments. This is a prime example of why parents and grandparents need to be proactive in their children's healthcare. His doctors insisted he did not have CF since he was gaining weight. Grandma Anne was insistent that something was not right with Logan. Instincts sometimes outweigh a medical degree.

Treatments for CF have come quite far in the past decade. I remember studying it in school when most CF patients did not live past their teenage years, but now many patients are thriving well into their late 20's and 30's. We are optimistic that Logan will benefit from future treatments and live a long life.

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