Wednesday, September 7, 2011

School Day and New Beds Day 2

On our way home from school today, Shane was telling me about his day and what he did and ate. He was excited that he has music class this year. Then he says, "Did you know I get to go to science class?" Me: "Yes, pretty cool." Shane: "This is a great time in my life. I get to learn science."  I filled with pride. Shane does have some of my DNA!

As for beds, Anders discovered tonight that he does not have to stay in bed. So I have been chasing him back to bed for an hour.  I knew it would happen, the honeymoon is over.  My sweet, wonderful, well-rested Anders is likely going to be replaced with a cranky sleep-deprived kid.  Why can't kids stay in cribs until high school when all they want to do is sleep?  Myann was my sweet girl until she moved out of the crib and did not get as much sleep.

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