Friday, November 6, 2009

She really did it!!!

Tonight was monumental - Myann pooped on the potty!!!!!

I know, I made this post a few weeks ago, but it really didn't count since I caught Myann trying to poop and I whipped off her pants and held her on the toilet until she pooped. Ok, so probably not a good idea, but I was desperate. Well she showed me because she has not pooped since. She has had a few mystery poops - where she claims to have pooped, but flushes before I can see the evidence. I really don't think she pooped, but appreciated her effort. For a few days she has been claiming she needed to poop, but when I took her nothing happened. Tonight she said she needed to go again, I really didn't think it would happen, but know that we have to go through the motions. So off we went and of course, because the girl lives her life to prove me wrong - she pooped. We called anyone we thought might be awake to spread the good news. I was ecstatic and she was so proud.

Then 30 minutes later we are getting ready for bed and she tells me she had to poop again. So off we went and she pooped again. It is amazing how poop can make your day!!! So I am hoping this will be it and she won't look back.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Horray Myann!!!! That's a huge milestone, way to go girly! We are struggling with pooping on the potty too. Zack will go in his undies and then tell me. He's only pooped on the potty a handful of times.