Sunday, March 10, 2013

The 1st and the 4th

No picture to go with the post.  I have video, but not techie enough to download it from the camcorder to the computer. I was too afraid to run back in and grab the camera, for fear of missing the experience.  Anders was napping, worn out from his Texas trip, and Myann had gone to a friend's house to play.  So only Shane and Laila were up and I was on the computer tagging home remodel ideas (don't ask) and Brian was searching for the next flight with a kid (it is never ending).  Shane asked if he could get Laila dressed to play ball outside with him.  Yes, my almost 8 year old wanted to go play outside with his almost 20 month old sister.  Heart melt.  So of course we said yes.  Shane then took Laila upstairs to pick out her clothes and dress her.  He did a pretty good job. Then he put shoes on her and a coat and out they went.  The ball playing only lasted a minute, so he began walking her around our driveway.  Then he asked if he could walk her to the mail box and back.  That is when Brian called me to the window to watch the perfect scene, older brother holding little sister's hand as they walked on the sidewalk in front of our house. Heart melt.  I ran for the video camera because I wanted to capture her tiny foot steps trying to keep up with his bigger steps.  It was perfect, sweet, heart warming, and every other wonderful adjective you could imagine.   He loves her, that is nothing new, but walking her so patiently, so kindly just made this mommy's heart swell.

1 comment:

Tina and Robin said...

That is precious!!! He has always been a good big brother!!