Monday, March 30, 2009

Shane's prayer for Uncle Alex

Every night we do our prayers, and since we found out Alex was sick, we have been praying for Alex. The prayer started as, "And please make Uncle Alex better, he is very very sick." Then we explained that he needed a new heart because his was not good anymore. So Saturday night he prayed, "And please give Uncle Alex a new heart...but don't take one from anybody else. " Ahh, what compassion. Then tonight he prayed, "Please give Uncle Alex a new heart, you can take one from the coyotes." Ahh, if only it were that easy. To explain the coyote part, we have been seeing lots of coyotes on our property, even during the day. So the kids have been put on high alert to watch out for them and to never be outside unless an adult or both dogs are out with them.

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