Tuesday, June 24, 2008


So it has been a rough 6 weeks for us, lots of unexpected and downright annoying expenses came up. But they were just that, annoying, expensive things that needed and could be fixed. It has reminded me how blessed we are that we and our kids are healthy and happy right now. I am almost 28 weeks pregnant and this time in Myann's pregnancy, I was going into the hospital for my second bleeding episode and the beginning of my very strict bedrest. Right now, baby boy and I are healthy and this pregnancy is going as well as could be hoped. And my kids, how lucky are we to have two of the most wonderful kids ever made, not biased at all. And they have been blessed with tremendous health. I probably shouldn't say this out loud, since it will likely jinx us, but we have never even been to the emergency room for either of them. God has really blessed us and I am trying to instill that thankfulness into our kids when we say our prayers every night.

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